Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

No! It certainly helps, but the prime requisites for becoming a JV partner are financial capability and how well your goals and desired timeline fit with Dwell Logic’s. The biggest reason people invest with Dwell Logic is because they don’t have the time to create and manage a real estate portfolio and because we can compensate for a lack of knowledge and expertise in real estate investing.

Most JV partners work in an industry unrelated to real estate. They become JV partners because they want to increase their monthly income by creating new streams of revenue with real estate investments. Usually their goal is to increase their net worth and monthly income from investments so they can achieve financial independence and retire early (i.e. FIRE). Alternatively, some JV partners are less concerned about monthly cash flow and instead focus on using real estate to tax shelter a larger portion of their annual income or to create a wealth building financial asset they can leave behind as a legacy for their heirs.

Regardless of their motivations, it’s their willingness to commit and work with Dwell Logic to stick to the agreed upon business/investment plan, that best qualifies them to become a JV partner.

All content on this website is copyrighted and the sole intellectual property of Matthew Landsborough and Dwell Logic Investing Inc. For permission to use this content please contact

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